Depending on when you’re reading this then the Autumn term is over/almost over and it’s time for a well-earned break. The longest term of the year can always feel like a bit of a challenge near to the end, but I’ve been really impressed how everyone has kept going strong right up to the finish. I’ve spent time this week visiting lessons and walking the corridors, and it’s been great to see students and staff working hard and cracking on with the job at hand. Not only that but of course we’ve packed in loads of end of term celebrations and events, which are of course an important part of the cycle of school as well. See last week’s blog for an incomplete list of all the things that have been going on!
A blog in 2024 wouldn’t be complete without a reference to reading, and this one is no different. We’ve launched a ’12 days of Christmas’ challenge for Year 7 and 8 students via Hub lessons, and parents should get an email about it too. You can see the 12 challenges below, and there’s no reason for older students not to try them as well.
Whatever your plans for the next two weeks I hope you have a fantastic break, and that everyone comes back refreshed for the new term. Just as a final reminder students are back in school on Monday 6th January at the usual time of 8.30am.
Best wishes and thanks for your support in 2024!
Joe Barker