That’s it for 2024!

Depending on when you’re reading this then the Autumn term is over/almost over and it’s time for a well-earned break. The longest term of the year can always feel like a bit of a challenge near to the end, but I’ve been really impressed how everyone has kept going strong right up to the finish. I’ve spent time this week visiting lessons and walking the corridors, and it’s been great to see students and staff working hard and cracking on with the job at hand. Not only that but of course we’ve packed in loads of end of term celebrations and events, which are of course an important part of the cycle of school as well. See last week’s blog for an incomplete list of all the things that have been going on!

A blog in 2024 wouldn’t be complete without a reference to reading, and this one is no different. We’ve launched a ’12 days of Christmas’ challenge for Year 7 and 8 students via Hub lessons, and parents should get an email about it too. You can see the 12 challenges below, and there’s no reason for older students not to try them as well.

Whatever your plans for the next two weeks I hope you have a fantastic break, and that everyone comes back refreshed for the new term. Just as a final reminder students are back in school on Monday 6th January at the usual time of 8.30am.

Best wishes and thanks for your support in 2024!

Joe Barker

Street Games – Young Advisor Opportunity

A unique opportunity for a young person to become a StreetGames Young Advisor to co-design and deliver a workshop at the Council for Disabled Children’s Youth Voice Matters conference on Thursday 20th February (during half term) in Manchester.  Youth Voice Matters is a conference delivered by and for disabled children and young people and/ or those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

In partnership with Activity Alliance and Youth Sport Trust, a team of 3 Young Advisors will be delivering a workshop around “How does sports coaching work for you? Or not?”

Who’s it for?

  • A young person (aged 16-25) who considers themselves to be disabled and/or have special educational needs

What does it involve?

  • 2x online planning meetings: 20th January and 13th February (times TBC to suit you)
  • Attendance at the conference on Thursday 20th February in Manchester
  • Independent travel (all costs covered) to and from the venue (if you require a chaperone, we can cover these costs too, just let us know)

Why get involved?

  • A unique opportunity to co-design and deliver a workshop to your peers at a national conference which will help build your skills and confidence
  • Recognition for your time and contributions through a voucher, certificate, and access to other opportunities
  • All expenses paid – travel, meals etc.

Interested or have any questions? Get in touch with Lucie Vickers (copied in), 07960 858486 or (feel free to copy Sam Barton in too!) :

Festive Marple Hall

There’s a week to go before we break up for the holidays on Friday 20th December. But, not just any old week. As usual we’re packing a huge amount into the last few days, just as we have done this week too.

Not only have the majority of Year 9 just completed their trial languages speaking tests this week, but amongst other things we’ve unveiled artwork at Rose Hill Station, had the Christmas card competition, run theatre trips…and then next week there’s the Elements Panto, celebration assemblies, year group reward events, the Cardboard Catwalk, our Christmas Concert (tickets available here), Christmas Jumper day and much more besides. Not only that, but our ‘Have Christmas on Us’ competition reaches its conclusion and some lucky families in each year group will win a great prize, just in time for the break. Details on what students need to do to qualify are here.

However, what I like about our approach to the end of term is that the focus on learning doesn’t stop. In the bad old days we’d already be in a situation where some classes would be watching half of ‘Elf’, to no educational benefit whatsoever, and everyone would quickly get bored. We don’t do that here anymore. Lessons themselves will carry on with purpose right up until the end of term, with students learning new things or consolidating what they already know, as we believe that time in class is precious.

Finally, and I know I keep going on about it…but contrary to information on the Stockport Council website about term dates for other schools, MHS is open to students on the morning of Friday 20th December. We close at 12.20pm on that day, and then re-open for students on Monday 6th January 2025, usual time.


Joe Barker

Merry Marple Hall!

Book Tickets
We are hosting a merry event here at Marple Hall on Tuesday 17th December.

The evening will be full of festive music and all tickets include a mince pie and a drink!

The event will take place in Bradshaw Hall at 7pm. Tickets will be £6 Adult and £4 Child/pupil.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

A very functional blog

With just two weeks to go until the winter break, I’m dedicating this blog largely to the practicalities of the end of term and the start of 2025.

Firstly, school is closed to all students on Friday 6th December. Teaching staff are in school for a day of training, looking at how best we can overcome the barriers to learning that some students face as we try to ‘Unlock Gateways’.

Secondly, the final day of the Autumn term is Friday 20th December. As I have said before, this is a day later than most other local schools following the consultation held earlier in the year. Students are expected in school on Friday 20th between 8.30am and 12.20pm, when we break for the holidays.

Thirdly, the first day back to school for all students in 2025 is Monday 6th January. Again, this is a day later than some local schools.

Finally, a reminder that our ‘Have Christmas on Us’ competition is in full swing. Details here, all that a student needs to do to enter is to show up every school day in December. Good luck!

Have a great weekend when it comes,

Joe Barker

Marple Hall School
Hill Top Drive
Stockport SK6 6LB Headteacher: Mr Joe Barker
Tel: 0161 427 7966
Fax: 0161 426 0931