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- School Week Timings from September 2023
If your child is too ill to attend school, please contact the school in the morning for each day that your child will be off. This can be done through the Edulink app or by telephone on 0161 427 7966
If you do not report an absence to the school, you will receive a text to ask you to explain your child’s absence. If your child’s unauthorised absences are more frequent, you should expect to receive a letter informing you of your child’s attendance level. If your child’s absence is unacceptable or at a low level you would be asked to attend a meeting in school to discuss support appropriate to your child.
Term time holidays and extended leave are not allowed as a rule and Parents/Carers are discouraged from arranging holidays or extended leave of absence during term time.
When children miss school for term time holidays not only do they miss out on important learning but they often take time to settle back into their learning routines.
The government is strengthening the rules around Education Penalty Notices. These are fixed penalty fines which can be issued by the Local Authority where 10 or more sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence take place.
They are most commonly issued to parents when a child misses school for a term time holiday taken without the permission of the school.
The new stronger rules will apply to all offences taking place after August 2024.
It’s therefore more important than ever that parents arrange to take family holidays in the school holidays and not in term time.
The school will only grant leave of absence for family holidays in special circumstances. Taking a holiday during school term because it would be cheaper, better weather or tagging it on to the beginning or end of a school break is not in the DfCSF (Department for Children, Schools and Families) view considered to be a ‘special circumstance.’
Parents/Carers must write an absence request letter to school in good time (at least 6 weeks before a trip) for permission to take their child out of school during term time. If the request is denied school will inform the Parent/Carer. If the Parent/Carer chooses to continue with the planned holiday it will be taken as an unauthorised absence.
In the very rare circumstance when the Head Teacher is satisfied that there are genuine reasons for the holiday/extended leave in term time, he/she will agree up to 10 consecutive days in any one school year. This will be an authorised absence.