We’re just over half way through the second half term of the year – traditionally the hardest part of the school calendar. It’s dark, cold and often wet…and perhaps people of all ages suffer from having slightly less patience than might be the case on a beautiful morning in May. It’s at times like this that we have to expect the best of everyone and support them to maintain high standards in everything that they do. Our expectations, routines and the Marple Hall Spirit come to the fore and every day it’s a joy to see so many students going about their business with a smile. Popping into lessons yesterday reminded me of how many great students there are at our school who do their best every day. My chats with students at break and lunch are equally valuable. Sometimes there are problems that need sorting, sometimes people fall out with each other, sometimes someone just needs a smile and a bit of encouragement. Yesterday though I had to resolve the hardest question of all….’KFC or Macdonalds’? The passion on show in the heated debate that followed was remarkable, as was the utter foolishness of those students who mistakenly believe that KFC is best.
This week Miss Davies and I spoke to all Year 11 students to pass on the contingency plans for if the exams don’t take place next summer. The plans have been laid out by the powers that be, but like them we are convinced that the exams are very, very likely to go ahead. I’m 99.999% sure they will do, and so it’s important that we help Year 11 plan for a ‘normal’ exam season. I’ve spent a bit of time this week speaking to different groups of students to help them work out what they need to do to achieve their potential, and I was left with real confidence that this year group are up for the challenge.
Finally, a reminder that all students are not in school on Friday 3rd or Monday 6th December. Friday 3rd is a training day in school for staff, and Monday 6th is where we have placed the additional day off in lieu of the Queen’s jubilee bank holiday next summer. All schools were instructed to nominate an extra day off this year and we’ve gone for Monday 6th December.
Best wishes
Joe Barker