It was with great pleasure that I was able to share our recent Ofsted report with families earlier this week. If you haven’t seen it, then by additional blog on the report is here, and the report itself can be accessed directly here. Thank you again to everyone who has supported our work at MHS, we really appreciate it.
However…I said in my blog on Monday that we’ll never stop trying to get even better, and that was certainly the case this week. Year 11 have had their first full taste of a real exam ‘season’ with trial exams in English, maths and science all week long. These are an important first step in the final year of school for this cohort, and I know I’m not alone in being impressed with how they approached the challenge.
Secondly on Friday we welcomed the BBC Bitesize Careers team into school to speak to students in Years 7 to 10 about their future career options. It’s never too early for young people to start thinking about the future, and actually having an idea of a plan is proven to be important in motivating students to work hard. The sessions are interactive and engaging and great for students to hear.
After all this, and a very busy half term all round, it’s time for a well deserved rest. I wish everyone a calm and relaxing week whatever you may be doing.
Best wishes
Joe Barker