Our Community - Our Future

Travelling to School

How do pupils get to school?

  • On foot – students should use crossing patrols where they are provided, and particularly on Stockport road.
  • By car – but we ask parents/carers to drop and pick up their children well away from school since the entrance can be a dangerous place and the school receives regular complaints about this from local residents.
  • By bike – bicycles must not be ridden on the school premises and should be put in the secure cycle store behind Isherwood building. This will be locked between 9.00am and 2.45pm.
  • By bus – transport to and from school is provided by the Local Authority with Transport for Greater Manchester (tfGM) and is free for those who live more than 3 miles from school by the shortest direct route. Forms for free travel are available from Student Services in Bradshaw, or Stockport Bus Station.
  • By train – trains run to Rose Hill station from local areas including Romiley, Woodley, and Hyde

The School operates its own security bus pass system. Bus passes are issued to students who request them at the start of each year. The duty staff will not allow students to board a bus in the afternoon if they do not have their pass.

The bus pass system plays a significant role in promoting good behaviour on school buses. Students who are refused access to a bus because they do not have a pass should decide if they can make their own way home. If this is not possible then they must report to Bradshaw Student Services and discuss alternative arrangements with the staff there.

Information from TfGM

Before travelling to and from school it is important to plan-ahead and consider different options.

Transport for Greater Manchester has a dedicated School’s Hub, with information about public transport services, tickets and passes, latest travel guidance and advice around cycling and walking.

If you can, please consider whether your child can walk or cycle to school – it can be a safe and healthy way to make shorter trips. With new cycling and walking routes popping up across the region, it is safer and easier than ever to get about on foot or by bike.

If you do need to drive, please switch off your engine when waiting outside to reduce air pollution and, if possible, try parking further away and walking the last part of the journey.

Our Community - Our Future
Marple Hall School
Hill Top Drive
Stockport SK6 6LB Headteacher: Mr Joe Barker
Tel: 0161 427 7966
Fax: 0161 426 0931
Email: info@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk
Safeguarding: safeguarding@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk