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YoungMinds define mental health and wellbeing in young people as:
“The strength and capacity of our minds to grow and develop, to be able to overcome difficulties and challenges, and to make the most of our abilities and opportunities.”
Often when we talk about mental health, people immediately think of the negative aspects of certain mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety or self-harm. But we all have mental health and wellbeing: it is on a spectrum. Just like physical health, people can have good mental health or have problems that they need help to overcome and this can be different from one day to the next.
At Marple Hall we take mental health and wellbeing very seriously. There are lots of ways for students to get help for their wellbeing at school and to get involved with wellbeing activities. Our wellbeing strategy is all about building the tools to:
Although other people can support us to be happy and healthy, we have the best chance of being able to stay happy throughout our time in school if we learn how to take responsibility for our own wellbeing. For students – there is lots of information about this on the Pastoral Hub on our Sharepoint or visit our Marple Hall School Wellbeing Instagram Page.
If you would like some more information on self-care to support your child, please contact a member of the Wellbeing Team.
We are proud to have a full time Wellbeing Team in school. The Wellbeing Team is led by Miss Cook and is made up of a team of staff as well as Student Wellbeing Leaders. We are always developing our Wellbeing provision in school so any students with ideas are encouraged to speak to a member of the team.
Miss Cook leads the Wellbeing agenda in school and support students one to one as well as running Seasons for Growth bereavement groups and Mindfulness groups.
Heather supports with leading the Wellbeing agenda in school. She supports students one to one and runs Seasons for Growth bereavement groups. She also leads the Student Wellbeing Leaders.
Miss Marley supports students for one to one sessions and small groups in school.
Miss Deere is our ELSA lead supports students on a one to one basis in emotional literacy skills.
Miss Williams supports students for one to sessions in school.
Mr Woodcock is our Looked After Children Champion, supports our Young Carers and supports the wellbeing of our students by keeping them safe.
In school we are proud to have a team of student Wellbeing Leaders who volunteer to support students and whole school wellbeing activities in school such as Children’s Mental Health Awareness week. This is a student leadership opportunity that is supported by staff. They receive training to support students and have led fundraising activities, contributed to student information leaflets and display boards. You can spot them around school as they wear a Wellbeing badge on their blazers. Students interested in becoming a Wellbeing Leader should speak to Miss Kirkbright.
Sometimes students need extra support in school, from one to one sessions, to groups, to external agencies that come into school to support students. Some more information about some of the groups we run in school is below alongside some of the agencies that come in to support our students with their health and wellbeing for example, Beacon Counselling, our School Nursing Team and Signpost who support our Young Carers. If you think your child needs help, please speak to their Form Tutor, Pastoral Manager, Head of Year or any of the Wellbeing Team. If your child is accessing support for their mental health or wellbeing, it is useful to let the school know so that we can support as appropriate.
Seasons for Growth is a programme for young people who have experienced significant change or loss. Seasons for Growth is based on the belief that change, loss and grief are a normal and valuable part of life. We examine the impact of changes such as death, separation, divorce, and natural disaster on our lives, and explore how we can learn to live with and grow from these experiences. Seasons for Growth is a peer support programme that is held in school once a week for 8 weeks plus 2 reconnector sessions.
.b, pronounced [dot-be], is the UK’s leading mindfulness curriculum for 11-18 year olds in schools. .b stands for ‘stop and be’, a simple practice at the heart of this ten lesson course. .b is a group introduction to mindfulness and is held in school once a week for 10 weeks.
Our Beacon counsellor sees students on a one to one basis in school by appointment in the counselling room on the third floor of Bradshaw. She also runs a drop in service every Thursday lunch time. Red Thursday is for any student in Years 7-9. Blue Thursday is for any students in Years 10 and 11.
The Signpost Young Carers team come in to support our young carers groups and can come in to support students individually.
School Nurse
Alison – our school nurse – comes in every Monday and can support students with lots of different things including emotional wellbeing.
A ‘Young Carer’ is a child or young adult who spends time looking after or helping a member of their family who, because of an illness or disability, mental health problem or drug and alcohol issue is unable to take care of everyday tasks themselves without some help. The help you give could be shopping, making meals, doing the laundry, or perhaps you help out with nursing care, e.g. giving medication or lifting someone up and downstairs or in and out of bed. Maybe you give your time just to be with someone when they need company.
How many young carers are there?
What might a young carer do?
Being a young carer can have a big impact on the things that are important to growing up. It can affect a young person’s health, social life and self-confidence. Many young carers struggle to juggle their education and caring which can cause pressure and stress
But young people can learn lots of useful skills by being a young carer.
If you think you or someone you know at school is a young carer and not coping, please tell your child’s form tutor, their year team or anyone from the Wellbeing Team in school.
Our Young Carers are supported in school by our Senior Designated Lead for Young Carers, our Operational Lead for Young Carers, our Wellbeing Team and Signpost Young Carers. We hold termly group meet ups for young carers in school and can facilitate individual support from Signpost Young Carers in school for our student
There are some useful websites, pages and parental booklets for support here. If there are any issues you need specific further help or resources for, please contact a member of the wellbeing team.
Students – please go to the Student Wellbeing section on our Pastoral Hub. All student booklets can be found there.
The booklets have been created by our wellbeing team to offer guidance based on research and materials from outside agencies. If you have any further concerns, please contact your GP or a mental health professional.
Training for Parents – Empowering People, Empowering Communities (EPEC)
CAMHS Resources
Young Minds (Parent Helpline 0808 802 5544)
Healthy Young Minds
Anna Freud
Papyrus UK
Marple Hall School Wellbeing Instagram Page
PSHE Policy
Self-Injury Support – 0808 800 8088 / www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk
This is a national organisation that supports girls and women in emotional distress. They particularly help women who self-harm. They have web resources and in addition, telephone support is available Wed, Thurs and Fri 7pm-9.30pm
CALM – 0800 58 58 58 / www.thecalmzone.net
The Campaign Against Living Miserably is a national support service for young men aged 15-35. Their helpline is open 7 days a week, 5pm to midnight. Callers can talk through any issue, they’ll listen and offer information and signposting.
Childline – 0800 1111 / www.childline.org.uk
24/7 telephone and web support service for all young people
Papyrus – 08000 684141 / www.papyrus-uk.org
Papyrus provide advice and support for young people aged up to 35 who have suicidal feelings. Their helpline is open Monday-Friday from 10am-5pm and 7pm-10pm, and 2pm-5pm on weekends, or email pat@papyrus-uk.org or text 07786 209697
Samaritans – 08457909090 / www.samaritans.org
Confidential, emotional support for anyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Saneline – 08457678000 / www.sane.org.uk
Offers practical care and support to anybody affected by mental health problems. Helpline open 12pm to 11pm, Monday to Friday and 12pm to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.
Self-harm – www.selfharm.co.uk
Support for young people affected by self-harm
YoungMinds—0808 802 5544 (parent helpline) / www.youngminds.org.uk
The UK’s leading charity on children and young people’s emotional and mental health