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- School Week Timings from September 2023
Please only use this form to request a careers appointment if you are in the following year groups below.
You will be sent an appointment date and time to your school email and will be reminded of your appointment by your form teacher on the morning of your appointment.
Year 11 – 40 minute Appointments available Monday – Thursday
Year 10 – 15 minute Appointments available every Friday (AM)
Year 9 – 15 minute Appointments available every Friday (PM)
If you would like an appointment and you are in Year 9 or 10, you must bring evidence that you have been working on your Xello profile. You must come to your appointment prepared and ready to discuss your career ideas, subjects, post-16 plan or any other thoughts. For details on how to log in to Xello, please speak to your Form Teacher or Head of Year.
I am looking forward to meeting with you.
Miss Marney
Careers Coordinator