Another milestone passed

I write my blog this week on Thursday evening, looking back to the annual Year 11 whole year group photograph that took place this morning. I know that not every school does this anymore, but I really like the tradition of getting the whole of Year 11 together alongside their form tutors and pastoral staff for a huge picture. It always amazes me how well organised the whole thing is, starting off with getting 300 teenagers in height order (I look after the tall section, obviously), seeing them fill the temporary scaffold staging and then the inevitable tension of trying to get so many people to all look at the camera and smile at the same time. I have to say that the students were fantastic today, despite the distinctly average weather of intermittent rain and barely 6 degrees in temperature. At least today there wasn’t any wind to speak of and so the photographer only had to shout ‘hands down’ five times rather than 500. There were a few worried faces and hushed conversations about frizzy hair though but the members of staff concerned just had to put up with it.

Also today half of our Year 10 students took part in mock interviews with volunteers from around 40 businesses. It can daunting going for an interview and this experience is a great way to dispel some of the myths about what it is really like. The feedback from the interviewers has been fantastic with the students a real credit to the school. I am sure the second half of the cohort will do equally well on Friday.

On top of all this of course we crack on with the core business of teaching students in every year group. I’ve spent quite a bit of time this week visiting lessons and am always impressed with the positive relationships on show between students and staff. It’s one of the things that makes our school what it is, and never fails to make me smile.

Have a lovely weekend,

Joe Barker

Welcome to the summer term!

Ok…so the rain, hail and strong winds might not have felt much like summer…but it’s the summer term nonetheless!

Like all schools we have a lot to look forward to this term. Amongst many other highlights our fantastic Year 11 cohort get to show off their knowledge and skills in their exams and practical assessments (PE moderation day TODAY!), our Year 9 students complete a qualification in either MFL, Sports Studies or Food Technology, our Year 10 cohort take part in mock interviews and work experience, Years 7-9 take part in enrichment week and the whole school community will come together for our summer ‘Spark’ day in mid-July. Not only that, but we get to meet next year’s Year 7 on the transition day in early July, always one of my favourite days of the year.

It’s a busy term but we like busy, which is just as well!

Before I go today, a reminder that the consultation on changing the holiday pattern around Christmas 2024 closes on Friday 26th April. For all the details please follow this link: Proposal to change term dates 2024-2025 – Marple Hall School

Have a great weekend,

Joe Barker

Marple Hall School
Hill Top Drive
Stockport SK6 6LB Headteacher: Mr Joe Barker
Tel: 0161 427 7966
Fax: 0161 426 0931