Our Community - Our Future


At Marple Hall we understand that the welfare of children is paramount. We strive to ensure that all children are protected from harm in all its forms, and make sure that all professionals adopt a child-centred approach.

Safeguarding in schools is defined as:

‘protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes’

“Working Together to Safeguard Children” – DfE 2015

We recognise the responsibility we have to ensure the safeguarding of our children. Our full safeguarding policy can be read here:

The Safeguarding Team

If you have any concerns either about the health and/or safety of a student, you should share this information with a member of staff straight away. Don’t worry that you may be reporting small matters, we would rather you tell us things which turn out to be minor than miss a potentially serious and worrying issue.

If you wish to contact us in confidence regarding any safeguarding concerns then please email our safeguarding team at safeguarding@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk

The school has several Safeguarding Officers with whom concerns can be shared:

Senior Safeguarding Team

Deputy Safeguarding Officers

Operation Encompass

As part of our commitment to keeping children safe we have signed up to implement the principles and aims of the Encompass Model, run in partnership with the Manchester Safeguarding Board and the Greater Manchester Police.

In signing up to Encompass the Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team:

  • Endorse the Encompass Model and support the Key Adults in our school to fulfil the requirements of the Encompass Protocol.
  • Promote and implement Encompass processes and use these in accordance with internal safeguarding children processes.
  • Recognise the sensitive nature of the information provided and ensure that this is retained in accordance with the principles of data protection.

The project has been designed to provide early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school but which might have an impact on a child attending school the following day. This information will be shared on school days during the school term. When incidents occur on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, the police will contact the school the following Monday.

A nominated member of school staff, known as a Key Adult, will be trained to liaise with the police. At Marple Hall School, our Key Adults are Claire Gregory, Deputy Headteacher, and Matthew Woodcock, Operational Safeguarding Lead. They will be able to use information that has been shared with them, in confidence, to ensure that the school is able to support children and their families. Information will be shared where it is identified that a child or young person was present, witnessed, or was involved in a domestic abuse incident.

or contact our Key Adults at:


The below links can give useful information and guidance to children, parents, and carers about how to be safe online:

Our Community - Our Future
Marple Hall School
Hill Top Drive
Stockport SK6 6LB Headteacher: Mr Joe Barker
Tel: 0161 427 7966
Fax: 0161 426 0931
Email: info@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk
Safeguarding: safeguarding@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk