Our Community - Our Future

Honesty Fortnight

Being a member of the Marple Hall School community means believing in our school ethos, better known at the Marple Hall Spirit. These are the five qualities or attributes that we most respect in each other, and that we try to develop in ourselves and others in everything that we do. Determination, Honesty, Readiness, Respect and Spark will take you a long way in life, which is why we make no apology for reminding students and everyone else about these qualities on a regular basis.

One way that we do this is through ‘focus fortnights’, a chance to spend a bit of time looking at one of the qualities in the Spirit in more detail. This week and next we’re focusing on (for me at least) arguably the most important part of the Marple Hall Spirit – Honesty.

I think that this is such an important attribute to develop, and not just because it’s important to tell the truth. More than that, our definition of honesty also includes being honest with yourself and acting with integrity. Doing what is right, not what is easy – that really sums it up to me. Young people are often faced with minor decisions of doing what is right over what is easy – should they hang back with friends knowing they’ll be late, or crack on and get to class on time because that’s better for them? Should they be part of the crowd when a friend is being unkind, or step up and lead by example? Should they raise their hand and ask for help in a lesson, or sit there and hope the teacher doesn’t notice that they don’t get it? We want to empower our young people to make the right decision every time, and that’s what Honesty focus fortnight is all about.

Finally, I can’t end without taking this last opportunity to encourage you to grab a ticket or three for the performances of Bugsy Malone next week. It promises to be spectacular, don’t miss out! Details below.

Best wishes

Joe Barker



Our Community - Our Future
Marple Hall School
Hill Top Drive
Stockport SK6 6LB Headteacher: Mr Joe Barker
Tel: 0161 427 7966
Fax: 0161 426 0931
Email: info@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk
Safeguarding: safeguarding@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk