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Tuesday 15th June saw Marple Hall’s first ever virtual Post 16 careers evening, which despite competing against Euro 2021 saw many parents and students logging in to listen to twelve of our local providers talk about the courses they offer. Mr Meredith & Miss Marney pre-recorded an introduction outlining the event and how to get the best out of careers advice and guidance at the school.
The local colleges taking part were:
Attendees were also given the opportunity to listen to an apprenticeship talk by Matt Leigh from the Greater Manchester Learning Partnership Network, as well being offered sessions on:
Recordings of all the talks can be found in this document
Feedback from the event has been extremely positive both from our providers and parents:
The Manchester College:
“Thank you Marple Hall for inviting The Manchester College to run two sessions during your Post 16 Virtual Evening. It was a fantastic event which allowed students from years 9,10 & 11 and their parents and guardians to gather vital information regarding post 16 providers and the different types of courses available. It was particularly great to be asked to present ‘An Introduction to T Levels’. Getting the opportunity to share information about this exciting new qualification with students and parents/guardians of Marple Hall was a fantastic opportunity and we hope those who joined found the sessions useful and informative.”
Marple College:
“All went very well on the evening and one kind parent commented how our presentation on College Life was brilliant. Thank you!”
From parents:
“The evening was extremely useful. We especially liked being able to find out about what college life is like and how to make a college application. The later sessions were a really nice addition and answered lots of our questions”
“We found it really helpful and just wanted to say thank you. Everything worked well. There was a great format and we preferred it to in-person presentations. We now know which college open days we plan to attend and it also hopefully seems to have jolted my son into the reality of how close his GCSEs are.”
“There was a great range of colleges and providers available for us to choose from on the evening and its nice to know that they will be available for us to watch back using the recorded sessions. It was definitely an eye-opener and great to hear that there are so many amazing opportunities close by for my daughter to look into.”
Parents and students can find careers information at any time via our Careers page, or by contacting our Careers Coordinator, Miss Marney, at Jessica.marney@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk