Our Community - Our Future

MHS Update 25-2-2022

MHS Update 25-2-2022

I have three updates for you this week, the first two of which are closely connected together.

1) Covid precautions

As per my blog before half term, we are gradually removing or scaling back our covid precautions:

  • As of the start of this week (Monday 21st Feb) face coverings stopped being compulsory when ‘on the move’. Any member of the community is welcome to carry on wearing them if they wish.
  • From Monday 28th Feb we will remove the expectation that at least two windows and the door will be open in every classroom. Teachers will still ensure good ventilation, but the rooms will no longer be too cold.
  • From Monday 14th March we will end all guidance that states that teacing staff and learning support assistants must try to remain distant from students in classes.

Therefore by the 14th March only three elements of the covid plan will remain:

  • We will have one way staircases in Bradshaw building, but no one way system anywhere else in school.
  • Year groups will be expected to remain in their ‘zones’ before school, at break and at lunch. This is staying as a permanent arrangement as it has proven to be a very good idea.
  • People who test positive for covid will be advised to isolate as per the Government’s announcement on Monday 21st Feb.

2) Returning to normal

As we remove these precautions we can promote some of the high expectations that had, for practical reasons, had to take a back seat during the pandemic. These are all simple but important steps in getting back to normal.

  • From Monday 28th February students will no longer be able to wear coats or other non-uniform items in lessons. Rooms will not be cold, and so only proper uniform (including the optional school jumper) will be accepted.
  • ‘Full’ Hoodies (ie without a zip at the front) have always been banned in school and this remains the case. During covid, we temporarily allowed students to wear zipped hoodies as a coat in lessons if they were cold. As of Monday 28th Feb we will revert to all hoodies – zipped or not – being banned items that will be confiscated and a uniform strike issued.
  • Over the course of the next term we’ll be focussing on the different aspects of our school expectations to make sure that students (and staff!) know what is required and how to meet these expectations – uniform, punctuality, focus in lessons etc.

Underpinning all of this work is our school ethos, the Marple Hall Spirit. Between now and the end of the year we’ll be re-awakening the Marple Hall Spirit and really pushing the five values of Determination, Honesty, Readiness, Respect and Spark.

3) Data issue last week

As some of you will know, we had a data issue over half term where a message destined for one parent was sent to many. Thankfully this is rare and the amount of data shared was limited, but I do not at all underestimate the impact that events like this can have on families and I apologise to the family concerned on behalf of the school. We are taking the investigation into what went wrong very seriously. Ordinarily I wouldn’t raise such an issue in my blog, but I wanted to do so partly as the message was sent ‘on behalf of Miss Allison’. It is important to clarify in public that Miss Allison had no part in sending the initial email, despite being referenced in it.

Best wishes,

Joe Barker


Our Community - Our Future
Marple Hall School
Hill Top Drive
Stockport SK6 6LB Headteacher: Mr Joe Barker
Tel: 0161 427 7966
Fax: 0161 426 0931
Email: info@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk
Safeguarding: safeguarding@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk