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Since he first joined the Student Leadership Team last year as Environmental Ambassador, Adam B in Y11 has had ambitious plans for developing biodiversity at Marple Hall. Over the 2021 summer holidays, Adam carried out an extensive biodiversity study of the school site and wrote a report which he presented to the Headteacher. As part of this report, Adam planned to plant home-grown trees in an unused part of the school grounds, creating a new mini orchard. And finally, just before Easter, the new trees were planted on a piece of land between the drama department, music rooms and Bradshaw pastoral offices. With the help of some willing student leaders, some very keen Y7 and Y8 volunteers and Mr Barker with his gold shovel, 25 tree saplings were planted including: common oak, crab apple, goat willow, balsam poplar, European rowan, cherry- plum and common hazel. All of these tree species are native and will provide food for wildlife. The cherry-plums & crab apples will also provide beautiful blossom.
MHSL would like to thank Mr Hutchinson and Mr Day from the site team who have helped make this plan a reality. Thanks also go to the student volunteers, Mr Roger and Mr Graves who came to help plant and, of course, thank you to Adam for his vision and tireless efforts to help care for our planet. We look forward to the new trees becoming well established and flourishing long into the future.