Our Community - Our Future

End of Term update 15-12-2020

End of Term update 15-12-2020

There has been a lot in the news today about schools aiming to close early (this week) and the Government opposing such plans. I am therefore writing to confirm the situation at MHS.

As explained in my blog of 23-11-2020 here, we will:

  1. Be open as normal until the end of the day on Friday 18th December
  2. Provide independent remote learning tasks for all students on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd December. This work will be set for all five lessons scheduled for those days, building on the content and skills covered in previous lessons.

We will also enable students to ‘check in’ each morning on the 21st and 22nd. Students who check in will receive their merits for the week, and forms with the most check-ins will receive a reward in the New Year.

As you will see from the letter entitled ‘End of term plans 2020’ here, our arrangements have been made possible by the hard work of the Local Authority, supported by headteachers and governors across Stockport. It is in my view a common sense approach given how close our term was due to run to the easing of restrictions over Christmas.

I would like to request that parents and carers encourage students to check in and complete the work set on the 21st and 22nd December ready for the start of the new term on January 7th 2021.

Finally, thank you again for your ongoing support. National attendance rates in secondary schools fell to 80% last week from 81% the week before, where as our increased from 83% to 87%….and is now at over 92%. A remarkable effort everyone, well done!

Best wishes,

Joe Barker


Our Community - Our Future
Marple Hall School
Hill Top Drive
Stockport SK6 6LB Headteacher: Mr Joe Barker
Tel: 0161 427 7966
Fax: 0161 426 0931
Email: info@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk
Safeguarding: safeguarding@marplehall.stockport.sch.uk