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- School Week Timings from September 2023
A quick check of the news just now has confirmed that the Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan, is to meet with the four main teaching and school leader unions next week. After four days of strike action over the past few weeks, the talks are a sign that hopefully a compromise may be reached without any further strikes. As I have mentioned before, I support the right of staff to strike and I share their concerns over an education system that has failed to recruit enough trainee teachers year after year after year. The country needs teachers and school based support staff, needs them to be happy and fulfilled in their role and – most of all – needs them to stick at it for a long time. Hopefully the discussions will bear fruit and there won’t be any more disruption to learning for the remainder of the year.
In other news, this week our Governing body discussed the recently closed consultation on whether MHS should apply to become an academy alongside our partner school, Romiley Primary. The consultation was a positive experience and although not all the responders agreed with the proposal, others did and in either case there was often a healthy and productive discussion. The MHS Governing body formally approved the consultation document on Monday, and so we can now proceed with the application process. This does not mean that academisation is a done deal, and there is in fact still a lot of work to do, but hopefully we are one step closer.
Have a great weekend,
Joe Barker