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- School Week Timings from September 2023
It’s the Friday morning after year 9 Options and parents evening last night. Options and parents’ evening is one of the busiest of the year, as our Year 9 cohort and their parents/carers get to come and speak to staff about the options subjects on offer for next year. It’s one of the milestone events in a child’s secondary school career, and a moment when they can really start to picture the second half of secondary education. Not only that, but we combine the event with a formal sit down parents’ evening for the core subjects of English and Maths alongside Science and MFL. Needless to say, it’s always busy and last night was no exception! It was great to see so many people taking such an interest in the future of our class of 2027, not least the students themselves, and I loved taking part in some of the conversations. Huge thanks to everyone and of course to our staff, taking part in the second evening event in an many weeks.
Just to confirm that the online options form is open now and closes on 6th February. The process is NOT first come first served.
For the past two blogs I have mentioned the ongoing issues with the Bee Network’s bus service. It continues to be very poor, with buses late every morning and afternoon. I’m not sure if this makes it better or worse, but at a meeting with Secondary Headteachers yesterday from across the Borough it was clear that we are not alone. The issues are common to most schools, and as a result we will be making representations to TfGM collectively as a group. In the meantime please continue to log your concerns with the Bee Network here hello@beenetwork.com and by all means copy us in so that we’re aware.
Have a great weekend,
Joe Barker