Full School Flu Vaccination Dates – Wednesday 27th November (Years 10 & 11) and Thursday 28th November (Years 7, 8 and 9) You can consent or withdraw to the flu vaccination on this link.
We would like to welcome the Class of 2024 students at Marple Hall School to collect their GCSE Certificates on Thursday 5th December 4pm – 7pm at Bradshaw Hall. The GCSE certificate collection day is a drop in, this means students can collect their certificates anytime between 4pm and 7pm on that day. Please note that if students […]
Join us for the annual Marple Hall Christmas concert! The evening will be full of festive music and all tickets include a mince pie and a drink! Tickets are £6 Adult and £4 child/pupil, the event will take place in Bradshaw Hall. Book your tickets here.
End of Autumn term 2. School finishes on Friday 20th December for the Christmas break. *The timing school will close on this day will be confirmed soon. School re-open as normal on Monday 6th January 8.30am.